Author Topic: ATK SE 2009.06 released  (Read 15816 times)

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Offline Anders Blom

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ATK SE 2009.06 released
« on: September 9, 2009, 09:50 »
New release: Atomistix ToolKit Semi-Empirical (ATK-SE) 2009.06
QuantumWise is proud to announce the release of its new software package for simulations of electronic structure and transport properties of nanostructures, Atomistix ToolKit Semi-Empirical (ATK-SE). ATK-SE offers basically the same functionality as ATK-DFT, while at the same time introducing several new features that allow for even more realistic modeling of nanoscale electronic devices.

ATK-SE sets a new standard for nanoscale device simulations! Faster than DFT, allowing for larger systems, and featuring a unique capability to calculate how electrostatic (metallic and dielectric) gates influence the electron transport. And that's just the beginning...!

For detailed information, see
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 13:27 by Anders Blom »