Dear Jess Wellendorff!
I have attached the project, scripter and log file for you.
1. As you see I have used (GGA) + (PBE) + (DFT-D3 for van der Waals correction). Using this setting, the simulation does not proceed well and the code in log page stops running (at the point which you can see in the attached note pad file)! This happens just when I use DFT-D3! Could you please tell me that what is the problem and how can I fix it? i use is a core i7 system, and the RAM is 4GB. Moreover, it seems that the simulation is so time consuming... is there any trick to reduce it?
2. Is matsci (slater-DFTB) sutable for calculating the transport properties of BNC?
3. For calculating the transport properties of billayer BNC, What are the suitable Huckel basis set?
4. For calculating the interllayer distance shall we optimize just the billayer unitcell, or the total billayer structure?
Thank you