Well, now you have the opposite problem, you have atoms with fractional coordinates > 1. Using wrap would have gotten rid of these also.
Thanks for your reply. Aha, I get your point! Now it seems working.
Good to have you in the forum to guide ATK users.
I saw for IETS calculation, there are 4 main calculations:
(1) a two probe junction calculation: DeviceLCAOCalculator;
(2) force constant calculation: DynamicalMatrix;
(3) derivative of Hmiltonian: HamiltonianDerivatives;
(4) last, the IETS calculation based on (1)-(3): InelasticTransmissionSpectrum.
I find the steps (2) and (3) are time demanding. And I think these two calcuations can share the same SCF consistent results for each displacement of degree. For example, if there are 26 atoms not constrained in the system, there will be 26*3*2=156 SCF consistent steps of electronic structure. For each step, the DynamicalMatrix uses total enegy and HamiltonianDerivatives uses Hamiltonian to do a finite difference. Therefore, they can share the SCF process. But, As I inspect from the out file, I see they do their own SCF consistent calcuations respectively, which will nearly double the calcuation time. Is there any method or flag to combined them together since they are both needed in IETS calculation? In inelastica code, the code save each Hamiltonian files on the disk, and then do a read in, which is much fast than calculation from scratch. Maybe, ATK can give such flags in DynamicalMatrix Class that indicates the code save Hamiltonian into nc files or so.
However, for steps (2) and (3), I can not find entry for k-point sampling. I guess they use the same k-sampling as in (1), that is use the one for the device equivlent bulk.
device_numerical_accuracy_parameters = NumericalAccuracyParameters(
k_point_sampling=(4, 4, 20),
Is it possible that I use only Gamma point in steps (2) and (3) to save computaional time? Or they must be the exactly same as that in (1) for (2) and (3)?
If the answer is yes, I must sepertate the calculation of (2) and (3) from (1), where there is only a Gamma k-point sampling for (1) in the *py file for (2) and (3) since (2) and (3) do not have their own entry for k-point sampling and use the one as in (1).
Thanks very much.