Dear All,
I tried to define my own potential for hBN which includes interlayer LJ potential and intra-layer Tersoff potential according to Lindsay's parameters (PRB 2011). Here is the section related to potential definition:
# Add tags
bulk_configuration.addTags('layer1', [0, 3])
bulk_configuration.addTags('layer2', [1, 2])
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculator
# -------------------------------------------------------------
#-------------------- Definition ------------------------------
potentialSet = TremoloXPotentialSet(name = 'hBN_Tersoff_Lindsay_2011')
#-------------------- Add Particle ------------------------------
potentialSet.addParticleType(ParticleType(symbol='B', mass=10.811 * atomic_mass_unit, charge=None, sigma=None, sigma14=None, epsilon=None, epsilon14=None, atomicNumber=5))
potentialSet.addParticleType(ParticleType(symbol='N', mass=14.0067 * atomic_mass_unit, charge=None, sigma=None, sigma14=None, epsilon=None, epsilon14=None, atomicNumber=7))
#-------------------- Single Potential ------------------------------
potential = TersoffSingleTypePotential(particleType = 'B', A = 1433.0*eV, B = 417.3*eV, R = 1.95*Angstrom, S = 2.1*Angstrom, l = 3.4661*1/Angstrom, mu = 2.2288*1/Angstrom, alpha = 0.0*1/Angstrom, beta = 1.0239e-07, omega = 1.0, chi = 1.0, chiR = 1.0, m = 0, n = 0.72674, c = 30692.4, d = 4.7295, h = -0.98578)
potential = TersoffSingleTypePotential(particleType = 'N', A = 1433.0*eV, B = 417.3*eV, R = 1.95*Angstrom, S = 2.1*Angstrom, l = 3.4661*1/Angstrom, mu = 2.2288*1/Angstrom, alpha = 0.0*1/Angstrom, beta = 1.0239e-07, omega = 1.0, chi = 1.0, chiR = 1.0, m = 0, n = 0.72674, c = 30692.4, d = 4.7295, h = -0.98578)
#-------------------- Mix Potential ------------------------------
potential = TersoffMixitPotential(particleType1 = 'B', particleType2 = 'N', alpha = 0.0*1/Angstrom, omega = 1.0, chi = 1.0, chiR = 1.0, m = 0)
#-------------------- Intra-layer potential ------------------------------
#tf_layer1 = hBN_Tersoff_Lindsay_2011(tags='layer1')
#tf_layer2 = hBN_Tersoff_Lindsay_2011(tags='layer2')
#-------------------- Finalizing ------------------------------
# Define a new potential for the interlayer interaction.
lj_interlayer_potential = TremoloXPotentialSet(name="InterLayerPotential")
lj_interlayer_potential.setTags(['layer1', 'layer2'])
# Add particle type definitions for both types.
lj_interlayer_potential.addParticleType(ParticleType.fromElement(Nitrogen, sigma=3.212*Angstrom, epsilon=0.004*eV))
# Add Lennard-Jones potentials between the sulfur atoms of different layers.
lj_interlayer_potential.addPotential(LennardJonesPotential('layer1', 'layer2', r_cut=10.0 * Angstrom))
# Combine all 3 potential sets in a single calculator.
calculator = TremoloXCalculator(parameters=potentialSet)
However, ATK does not include the interlayer potential in calculations. Does anyone have any solution?
Best regards,