I am not able to calculate DOS calculation part of the example-
Silicon bandstructure and DOS using VNL and Quantum ESPRESSO provided at the following link:
http://docs.quantumwise.com/tutorials/espresso_bs_dos/espresso_bs_dos.htmlI am trying to repeat the example on Windows platform.
For running the DOS calculation on cmd prompt, I am using the following command:
dos -input dos.in> dos.outThe error received on cmd is
On VNL(version VNL-ATK 2016.2), following error message is received, titled as 'OutputLabFloorPlugin error'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\zipdir\NL\GUI\MainWindow\LabFloor\LabFloorModel.py", line 234, in load
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\QuantumWise\VNL-ATK-2016.2\Lib\site-packages\AddOns\QuantumEspressoPlugins\OutputFilters\OutputLabFloorPlugin.py", line 116, in load
data = readBandstructure(filename)
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\QuantumWise\VNL-ATK-2016.2\Lib\site-packages\AddOns\QuantumEspressoPlugins\OutputFilters\BandstructureReader.py", line 248, in readBandstructure
eigenvalues_up = readEigenvalueSection(f, number_of_kpoints)
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\QuantumWise\VNL-ATK-2016.2\Lib\site-packages\AddOns\QuantumEspressoPlugins\OutputFilters\BandstructureReader.py", line 416, in readEigenvalueSection
raise NLError('Error in reading QuantumEspresso band structure energies.')
NLError: Error in reading QuantumEspresso band structure energies.
I have attached the files, that I am trying to run. Please go through if required.