If you zoom into the MGGA calculated band structure of Si around the top of the valence band, you will actually see that the heavy and light hole bands are split, and the two-fold degeneracy of heavy hole bands is lifted. This is certainly an artifact of the MGGA calculation.
This splitting can be reduced by increasing the mesh cut-off value in the ATK-DFT Calculator, making the real-space mesh denser compared to its default density, e.g., using 200 Hartree instead of 75 Hartree, which is the default value. However, the effective masses along G->X may still be inaccurate, and we are investigating this issue. Note that calculating the second derivative (related to effective mass) of the band energy with respect to the electron quasimomentum, k, requires very accurate numerical calculation of the band energy, and that seems to be an issue within the framework of the MGGA approach.