I would just lower the interval of the checkpoint file to e.g. 15 minutes. The overhead is very small for saving it anyway.
Remember that the time you lose is at most 1 checkpoint cycle, so even with the default (30 minutes), in the absolutely most unlucky case, the checkpoint file is saved 29 minutes before termination, but perhaps that's not a problem for a calculation that takes > 24 hours.
However, I would also ask, which calculation takes > 24 hours that is "checkpointable" on a cluster (where presumably the parallelization gives a great boost to the calculation)? Normally the checkpoint only works well for a single calculation, NOT for I-V curves etc. If your I-V curve, for instance, takes so long, then just break it up in smaller pieces, and do a few bias voltages in each job. And if you are indeed running a single job that takes > 24 hours, maybe there are some settings that are not ideal (unless you are trying 10,000 atoms in bulk DFT...), because in almost all of our experience, reasonable bulk or even devices take only a few hours per bias post at most (unless you are including spin-orbit, and/or electron-phonon interaction etc).