General > Future Releases

New Type Computers


Hi. New computers have solid state drivers. Because of their prices, they  are not keeping more data. Some people like me may prefer using these limited computers as a presentation device.  But  while one is making a speech, a demonstration can be needed to. I think linux and windows portable Atomistix or only a viewer which is lighter will be great for these devices. Portable softwares in usb can be run after find a license file in computer.

(For fun: I bought a 32 GB device which is actually approximately 29 GB. . Windows send  14 GB updates to this device. 
I do not know why still manufactures are thinking 1 kilo bit= 1000 bayt but computers are persisting 1 KB is 1024 bayt. Now I am using only ubuntu.)

Ulrik G. Vej-Hansen:
Thanks for the suggestion, I will add it to our idea catalog.

That's a great idea indeed. I hope it comes to fruition.


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