Author Topic: Free-webinar: include electron-phonon scattering effects in device simulations  (Read 3625 times)

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Offline Vaida Arcisauskaite

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Synopsys QuantumWise will host a free webinar on how to include electron-phonon scattering effects in large scale atomistic simulations of electronic devices using the Special Thermal Displacement (STD)-Landauer method in VNL-ATK 2017. These effects play a central role in the performance of nano-scale electronic devices, such as rectifiers and transistors.

The webinar will be held TWICE:

1)  December, 14th, 9 - 9.30 AM CET (Central European Time, Denmark)

December, 14th,  8 - 8.30 PM CET (Central European Time, Denmark) - good time for participants in Americas

Presented by: Daniele Stradi, PhD and Ulrik Grønbjerg Vej-Hansen, PhD from Synopsys QuantumWise

This webinar is targeted to:

- ATK users who already perform atomistic device simulations;
- engineers/researchers who perform TCAD simulations of devices.

We will cover:
- why electron-phonon scattering effects play a central role in the performance of nano-scale electronic devices;
- how and why the STD-Landauer method works (as an approximation for the current including explicit electron-phonon couplings) for including electron-phonon scattering effects and why it is so efficient;
- how to set up, run STD-Landauer calculations and analyze results, following the case study on a silicon p-n junction:
- example applications of the STD-Landauer method for calculating electrical characteristics of semiconductor devices.

Afterwards, there will be time for questions and discussion.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. For any questions about the webinar, please contact

Register for the free webinar at this link.