Here is my problem. How can I calculate the excess electrons in the center magnetic Fe atom (NFe)and in 3d orbitals of the Fe atom(N3d)?
By the way, I've got the total magnetic moment by following the script:
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Mulliken population
# -------------------------------------------------------------
mulliken_population = MullikenPopulation(bulk_configuration)
nlsave('magnetic_hs.nc', mulliken_population)
# Majority and minority populations
popUp = mulliken_population.atoms(Spin.Up)
popDown = mulliken_population.atoms(Spin.Down)
# Magnetic moments
moments = popUp - popDown
print "Individual magnetic moments"
for i in range(len(moments)):
print i , moments
# Calculate total magnetic moment / unit cell.
mag_mom = (popUp.sum() - popDown.sum())
print "Total magnetic moment / unit cell"
print mag_mom