hhspace, please contact QuantumWise offline to resolve this issue. Just send me an email through my user profile here at the Forum, and we take it from there. We will post the solution once we've figured it out
For the record, however, one needs to keep two things in mind.
1) First, ATK parallelizes in two ways, or two levels. What you can see from the system monitor is the OpenMP parallelization, which shows how ATK threads on all the cores of your processor. It is not an indication, however, of the MPI parallelization we are talking about here. This is the second level of parallelization, which is over multiple network nodes.
2) The "nodes" are virtual and not related to the processor or network host. For a proper parallel job there always only a single master node (node id=0), otherwise the parallelization algorithms simply do not work properly, since the master node is responsible for collecting the data computed by the slave nodes.
It is possible to run in parallel using MPI also with a node-locked license (if you have the ATKslave feature in the license file), and it give quite ok performance on a multi-core if the job isn't too large. You will, however, in that case see several ATK processes in the system monitor.