Author Topic: how to use less memory but performance did not change much  (Read 4190 times)

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Offline njuxyh

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Dear all:
i have 20 cores and 64g memory in a node. current I have a FET device and want to calculate iv curve.
and i tested the usage memory and found it needs 8gb/core.
so my question is i want to use as many as possible cores to speed up calculation,i.e ~20 cores,
but according to the estimation of memory, i have to reduce cores to 7~8 cores..
so is there any solution to set parameters to use less memory per core, so that i can use more cores in my node.

thank you very much

Offline Ulrik G. Vej-Hansen

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Re: how to use less memory but performance did not change much
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2019, 15:37 »
It will depend on the details of your device, so it is hard to give advice without seeing the script.

However, one thing you can do is to make sure threading is enabled. It will allow you to re-gain some of the performance that is lost when you reduce the number of processes. Also, make sure you distribute the processes equally on the node, to ensure that you can utilize the available memory efficiently. How to do this in practice depends on the hardware and queuing system, and cannot be done from inside QuantumATK.