Author Topic: One Fully Funded Ph.D. Studentship Available at UCL, London  (Read 3526 times)

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Offline Vaida Arcisauskaite

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One Fully Funded Ph.D. Studentship Available at UCL, London

The Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCL and Synopsys are seeking applications from enthusiastic PhD candidates interested in carrying out fundamental research using quantum mechanical methods in collaboration with an industrial partner. This 3.5 years PhD project will be carried out in the group of Prof. Alexander Shluger at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCL in collaboration with Synopsys, the global leader in software for design and verification of microelectronic devices. It will focus on modeling the effects of defects in materials on degradation and dielectric breakdown in nano-electronic devices for future green technologies and artificial intelligence.

Project Overview
The power consumption and reliability of modern nano-electronic devices, such as transistors and memory cells, strongly depend on the defects present in the insulator and at the metal-insulator interface. This PhD project will use computational modelling tools developed at UCL and by the Synopsys QuantumATK team to understand causes of degradation of devices at atomistic level and predict ways of improving their reliability and power consumption. This will involve developing novel methods for modelling the structure and properties semiconductor/insulator/metal interfaces based on atomistic modelling and Density Functional Theory.

Candidate's Profile
Highly motivated candidates from Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science Departments are strongly encouraged to apply for this post. Please note that, due to funding restrictions, only UK citizens and EU citizens who studied in the UK over the last 3 years are eligible for this studentship. The PhD training and research will be carried out at UCL and the London Thomas Young Centre. The starting date of the project is on September 28, 2020.

The closing date for applications is 31st March, 2020. Evaluation of applications will commence immediately, and will continue until the position is filled. Applications and inquiries regarding the vacancy can be made to  (Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 1312).