Author Topic: How to visualize backbone/side chains in polymers  (Read 6059 times)

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Offline Metwally

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Dear All,
is it possible to assign a color for the backbone and side chains of a polymer in the View panel?
This would be important to distinguish and view the backbone and side chains separately.
Also, can i hide the Hydrogen atoms from the polymer chains after constructing the polymer for better visualization?
attached is an image for what i mean ( as u can see, the colors of backbone and side chains are different and only the polymer skeleton exists)

Offline mlee

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Re: How to visualize backbone/side chains in polymers
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2020, 12:49 »
I will suggest the developer to distinguish the backbone and side chains.
As I known, we don't have the function for it in the current version.
But I have an idea to hide H and distinguish the atomic type (hope it is possible to select the backbone or side chain) using the OPLS atomic tag.
The viewer usually cannot change the configuration. In the builder, you can edit the configuration.
In the selection Tools (Select by Element), you can select the H atoms and delete them with trash icon.
And using the Tags, you can select different atomic types.
In the Graphics Properties, you can distinguish the tags with wished color.

In the viewer, using color by coordinates in the color atoms, you can distinguish the chains with color map.
Unfortunately, it cannot distinguish the backbone and side chain.