Author Topic: Synopsys Webinar on the new QuantumATK R-2020.09 Release on Sep 30, 2020  (Read 9202 times)

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Offline Vaida Arcisauskaite

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Synopsys Webinar: New QuantumATK R-2020.09 Release: Highlights of New Features and Functionalities

Join us for a webcast highlighting the new features, functionalities, and improvements in the QuantumATK R-2020.09 software package for atomic-scale modeling of materials, nanostructures, and nanoelectronics devices! 
The QuantumATK R-2020.09 version was released on Sep 7, 2020. 

Date: 30th of September, 2020
Time 1: 9 a.m. CEST (Europe) / 12.30 p.m. IST (India) / 3 p.m. CST (China) / 4 p.m. KST (South Korea) / 4 p.m. JST (Japan)
Time 2: 12 p.m. EDT (US East Coast) / 9 a.m. PDT (US West Coast)/ 6 p.m. CEST (Europe)
Duration: 1 hour (including Q&A session)
NOTE: please click on the drop-down menu to choose the most convenient time for you

Register for the webcast here.

During this webcast, discover, among other new features:
Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Analysis Objects Updates
-Hybrid-functional method (HSE) for LCAO, which enables accurate DFT simulations of large-scale systems with modest computational resources. Up to 100x faster than plane-wave HSE for smaller systems, and tested on as many as 2,000 atoms.
-3D-corrected k·p method to speed up band structure and DOS calculations with plane-wave HSE from days/hours to less than a minute.
-Shell DFT+1/2 method for more accurate semiconductor band gaps.
-Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) simulations of molecules and solids.

Dynamics Updates
-Up to 2x faster ab initio molecular dynamics simulations.
-Improved methods to quickly obtain geometry estimates of a structure, including the addition of the Universal Force Field which covers the entire periodic table.
-Crosslinking reaction tool for building thermoset polymers + new user-friendly polymer analysis tools.

NanoLab GUI Updates
-State-of-the-art new molecular builder.
-Tool for generating good interface geometries for subsequent DFT geometry optimization.
-User-friendly framework for setting up, submitting, and analyzing a large numbers of simulations.

Sentaurus Materials Workbench
-Surface process module for setting up and running flexible simulation protocols of deposition, etching, and sputtering.
-Plugin for conveniently adsorbing molecules on a surface.
-New band gap correction method for defect trap levels gives more accurate results and can speed up calculations by 75x.
-Easy setup and analysis of a large set of different grain boundaries + user-friendly generation of a script that links the simulations to TCAD Raphael FX for interconnect simulations.

You are welcome to ask questions throughout the webcast or at the end during the Q&A session.

Register for the webcast here.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2021, 10:50 by Vaida Arcisauskaite »