Author Topic: Single Electron Transistor - Conductance/ Drain I-V  (Read 5521 times)

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Offline Rajib

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Single Electron Transistor - Conductance/ Drain I-V
« on: September 17, 2010, 16:18 »
Dear ATK experts,

I was trying to do some analysis of Single electron transistor. I followed the procedure step-by-step addressed in the tutorial (Benzene single electron transistor). I was reading the following papers:

My question is: Is it possible to do similar calculation like the variation of drain voltage vs.  drain current or some sense of variation of conductance with voltage.

Please would anyone give me some hints (if possible some scripts!).

Sincere regards,


Offline kstokbro

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Re: Single Electron Transistor - Conductance/ Drain I-V
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2010, 21:45 »
Dear Rajiv,
The model we present is for a device in the weak coupling limit. In this limit the conductance is proportional to the number of  accessible charge states on the device. The number of accessible charge states for given a gate and source-drain voltage are visualized in the charge stability diagram. If n is the number of charge states in the bias window, then the current is given as:
I = a (n-1)
where a is a proportionality factor which depends on the coupling between the island and the source-drain electrodes.
The number of charge states n>0, and only when there are two accesible charge states, is it possible for the electron to jump on and off the island.
Hope this clarifies the tutorial