Author Topic: Python tutorials and other resources  (Read 28194 times)

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Offline ipsecog

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Python tutorials and other resources
« on: January 25, 2009, 16:01 »
There is a multitude of Python tutorials and resources on the net, as well as text books, which makes it hard to choose sometimes, especially for beginners. I figured we could start a small link collection in this thread, and people can post their favorite book titles or web resources for Python.

To kick it off, here are some!

  • Docs at - the official Python site. We have to mention this of course; the most useful resource (I think) are the Language Reference and Library Reference, while the tutorials leave some to be desired (in particular, too much clicking for my liking, I'd rather have a straight Powerpoint or PDF...
  • ... like this one! A nice, simple Python tutorial!. Has some basic stuff but also advanced discussions. This is some university course work, so you never know if the file is removed, so get it while you can!
  • Python Recipes. If you need a piece of Python code to do something relatively standard, chances are someone else has written it already, so look around first, before coding :)
  • The Vaults of Parnassus. Another collection of Python scripts and resources
  • Stack OverFlow. A really nice forum, in general.
  • Google. I'm not kidding - searching Google is, as we all know, one of the most powerful ways to find what you're looking for. You could also try Google Code although it seems it hasn't really gained momentum yet, at least not for Python.
  • Numpy home page. There is a saddening lack of up-to-date reference material for Numpy. The two main documents linked to from the Numpy home page are "Guide to Numpy" from 2006 and the reference for Numerical Python from 2001... Fortunately the basics are the same, still, but there are some changes that can cause some confusion.
  • Quick reference cards for Python and more...
  • 10 Python pitfalls. A bit old, but very useful reading.
  • Free Python programming resources. There are plenty of link collections out there, so why make your own? Well, none of them is complete...
  • Matplotlib / Pylab / pyplot home page

Please add your own favorite links!

Offline ipsecog

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Re: Python tutorials and other resources
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2009, 13:05 »
The best reference for Numpy that I've found is the example collection at SciPy,

Offline Anders Blom

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Re: Python tutorials and other resources
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2009, 11:04 »
On of the best books on Python, Dive Into Python, is also available for free as PDF, HTML, etc, at