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Topics - cwolowiec

Pages: [1]

I'm calculating current for a two probe system with graphene nano-ribbon electrodes.

I have converged sc files at .1V,.2V,.3V,.4V,.5V,.6V,.7V,.8V,.9V,1.0V.

At each bias, I have been calculating current using a different number of integration points over the energy. The default number of points is 100 and I also calculated current for 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 points as a check for consistency.

At lower bias, there is consistency across current calculations for different number of energy points. At higher bias, I'm getting some inconsistency. For example, at .8V I'm getting the following currents for different number of energy points:

100 Points
2.70322906734e-08 A

200 Points
6.15809652354e-09 A

400 Points
2.0376602094e-08 A

600 Points
2.67889424829e-08 A

800 Points
1.86633465855e-08 A

1000 Points
1.57990714177e-08 A

Furthermore, at a bias of .9V the currents have dropped a whole two orders of magnitude compared to .8V as seen from this data below:

100 Points
3.93849284671e-11 A

200 Points
3.90495735902e-10 A

400 Points
1.24586672635e-10 A

600 Points
2.48097024468e-10 A

800 Points
1.6369171909e-10 A

1000 Points
2.21587823888e-10 A

For lower bias up until a bias of .5V the I-V curve was monotonic increasing and there was more consistency in currents at a single bias. Clearly, at .9V the currents have dropped and are also inconsistent with the number of points.

Is there some explanation for this behavior? In another post, I recall reading that artificial scattering could occur if the electrode cell is not long enough in the z direction. Could artificial scattering be happening here at higher bias levels and not at lower bias levels? Note that, my electrode cells are 4 atoms thick (4.9 angstroms) and I have included this same number of atoms (thickness) for the screening layers on each electrode.

Any comments are appreciated,



I'm consistently getting the following error messages when trying to view an isosurface plot of the Transmission Eigenstates for a two-probe system in VNL Nanoscope:

An internal error occured

exceptions. MemoryError:
can't allocate memory for array


I should mention that I do not get the same error message for other isosurface plots such as LDOS.
Is there anything I can do to avoid the error...I'm running VNL on a new PC with lots of memory so I don't think it's due to any limitation of the PC.




When I define the brillioun zone monkhorst parameters in the VNL NanoLanguage Tool, the resulting script returns these parameters for both the left and right electrodes. In the same resulting script, however, there are no brillioun zone parameters defined for the central (or scattering) region. I am curious how ATK performs the brillioun zone integration for the scattering region during the scf calculation and whether the scattering region is treated as periodic like the electrodes or as non-periodic during the scf calculation. Any insight is appreciated.

Thank You,


Pages: [1]