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Messages - Ash

Pages: 1 [2]
Thanks Blom for reply !!
I think I'll have to do everything manually then  :)

I have generated a netCDF file that only has different gate voltages and corresponding transmission spectrums. I want to plot current vs. gate voltages plot at certain electrode potentials. Can we make such an analyzer's script that does this?
I tried to plot it using default Analyzer's I-V curve but since the voltages of left and right terminals are fixed therefore ATK could not plot the current variations.

I am wondering if there is any analysis in ATK by which we can tell the Hybridization state, i.e. whether it is sp, sp2, or sp3 hybridized.
Because this really helps in developing the intuitive understanding of the electronics properties of bulk/device.

Thanks Anders for correcting the figure. It certainly solved my problem.  ;)

Can anyone tell me the general criteria for about the boundary conditions for device with gate enabled? I am using the Boundary condition as shown in the attached file corresponding to my device geometry. Is it correct ?
Can you please tell me the effect of dirichlet boundary conditions at the top of the gate (top(B)) and dirichlet at the bottom(bottom(B))?

Sorry for confusing You !!
I meant the one similar to shown in Figure 3 of attached file.  ;)

Is it possible to determine the location of the particular band from band structure in the bulk configuration?

General Questions and Answers / Re: regarding gate design
« on: May 3, 2012, 16:37 »

1. The work function of the metalic region will determine where is the zero value of the gate potential. Thus, the effect of the work function is to shift the gate potential by a constant. You cannot set this parameter, and you need to make such corrections as post analysis. 
I.e. work function of electrode is 4 eV, work function of gate is 5 eV, then you must add -1 V to you gate potential axis as post analysis.

2. You can set this parameter in the script generator tool in vnl, see forinstance the graphene device tutorial or the ATKDeviceTutorial

Can you please tell me how to determine the work function for electrode and gate for performing such post analysis  :o
-- Thank you

Can someone tell me how to determine the work function of Metallic/Dielectric Regions used in Gate?

-- Thankyou

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