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Topics - Mehboob

Pages: [1]
Respected ATK users,

I wander whether or not it is possible to use some other material in place of oxide in magnetic tunneling junction in ATK. If it is possible then kindly give some hints for making such set up using VNL.

with best regards,

Dear ATK users,

I have a Bi2Te3 Crystal lattice having space group [R -3 m]. In a paper published in Nat. Phys. (Year 2009, Vol. 5, pp. 438-442), the band structure of similar crystal having same space group have been evaluated at k-points G, Z,  F, G, L. But when we try to evaluate the band structure of Bi2Te3 the options availble for k-points are G,Z,X,Y. Why it happens, although both the crystals have same space group? How can I input the options for the required k-points (G,Z,F,G,L)?

Any help will be highly appreciated.

with best regards,

Respected ATK users,

In the database of ATK the stoichiometry of Bismuth telluride is given as BiTe but literature suggests that it should be Bi2Te3. Can anyone tell me how can I prepare Bi2Te3 lattice in ATK?

With best regards,

It is well known both at the experimental and theoretical levels that 1,3 benzene dithiol shows zero resonance(sharp deep in the transmission peak indicating destructive interference) at the Fermi level(Ref. J. Am. Chem.Soc, vol. 133, year 2011, pp. 5955-5965). However, in-spite of all efforts, we failed to find this phenomenon using ATK (latest version).
I have tried with both DFT-NEGF and extended Huckel.
Please let me know why it is happening.
The .py files are attached herewith.

Dear ATK users,

I want to get the Cartesian(x,y,z)/Polar (r,theta,phi) coordinates of a spin on a particular atom of a single molecule. I have seen that noncollinear calculations can provide information about it but I want to do so without placing the molecule in between any electrode. Is it possible to do so in ATK? If yes, then kindly suggest me how to do such calculations?

With best regards,

Dear ATK users,

Is it possible to calculate the current-voltage characteristic plot for some intermediate spin-state? Say, in between low-spin (singlet) and high-spin (quintet) states there is an intermediate (triplet) spin-state. So, I want to calculate the I-V plot for this intermediate state.

Waiting for your kind reply.

With best regards,

Dear ATK users,

I want place a molecule in between two different electrodes (say, Aluminium electrode and SnO electrode) for conductance measurement. Is it possible in ATK? If yes, then kindly tell me how to do it. If some document/tutorial is available then that will be more than suffice.

With best regards,

Respected ATK users,

In calculating the normal band structure I know that the output is calibrated with respect to the Fermi level.  Is it also true for complex band structure (CBS). The default figure for CBS which I found is not calibrated with respect to Fermi level. Will it be wise to calibrate CBS w.r.t. to  Fermi level? If yes, then how can I do this calibration?
The script I'm using is as below -

from NanoLanguage import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

# Read the complex bandstructure object from the NC file
cbs = nlread('/home/swapanchem/mehboob/', object_id="gID003")[0]
energies = cbs.energies().inUnitsOf(eV)
k_real, k_complex = cbs.evaluate()

ax = plt.axes()

# First plot the real bands
kvr = numpy.array([])
e = numpy.array([])
for (j, energy) in enumerate(energies):
    k = k_real[j]*cbs.layerSeparation()/math.pi
    if len(k)>0:
        e = numpy.append(e,[energy,]*len(k))
        kvr = numpy.append(kvr,k)
# Plot
ax.scatter(kvr, e,
           cmap=cmap, marker='o', linewidths=0, s=10)

# Next plot the complex bands
kvr = numpy.array([])
kvi = numpy.array([])
e = numpy.array([])

for (j, energy) in enumerate(energies):
    if len(k_complex[j])>0:
        kr = [numpy.abs(x.real) for x in k_complex[j]]
        ki = [numpy.abs(x.imag) for x in k_complex[j]]
        e = numpy.append(e,[energy,]*len(kr))
        kvr = numpy.append(kvr,kr)
        kvi = numpy.append(kvi,ki)

# Plot with color depending on the imaginary part (corresponding to real k-points)
sc = ax.scatter(-kvi,e,
               cmap=cmap, marker='o', linewidths=0, s=10)
# Put on labels and decorations
ax.grid(True, which='major')
ax.set_xlim(-1, 1)
ax.set_ylim(-3.5, -1.0)
ax.annotate('$\kappa$ (1/Ang)', xy=(0.25,-0.07), xycoords="axes fraction", ha="center")
ax.annotate('$kL / \pi$', xy=(0.75,-0.07), xycoords="axes fraction", ha="center")
ax.set_ylabel('Energy / eV')

# Add a colorbar
fig = plt.gcf()
x1, x2, y1, y2 = 0., 1, ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[0]+1
trans = ax.transData + fig.transFigure.inverted()
ax_x1, ax_y1 = trans.transform_point([x1, y1])
ax_x2, ax_y2 = trans.transform_point([x2, y2])
ax_dx, ax_dy = ax_x2 - ax_x1, ax_y2 - ax_y1
cmap_axes = plt.axes([ax_x1, ax_y1, ax_dx, ax_dy])
a = numpy.outer(numpy.arange(0,1,0.01),numpy.ones(10)).transpose()
cmap_plt = plt.imshow(a,aspect='auto',cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap),origin=[0,0])

With best regards,

Hello Everyone,

I have successfully obtained the 2D complex band structure for my system but the obtained plot does not have the scale division on either of the two axes. The script I used for this purpose is as below -

from NanoLanguage import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

# Read the complex bandstructure object from the NC file
cbs = nlread('/home/swapanchem/mehboob/', object_id="gID003")[0]
energies = cbs.energies().inUnitsOf(eV)
k_real, k_complex = cbs.evaluate()

ax = plt.axes()

# First plot the real bands
kvr = numpy.array([])
e = numpy.array([])
for (j, energy) in enumerate(energies):
    k = k_real[j]*cbs.layerSeparation()/math.pi
    if len(k)>0:
        e = numpy.append(e,[energy,]*len(k))
        kvr = numpy.append(kvr,k)
# Plot
ax.scatter(kvr, e,
           cmap=cmap, marker='o', linewidths=0, s=10)

# Next plot the complex bands
kvr = numpy.array([])
kvi = numpy.array([])
e = numpy.array([])

for (j, energy) in enumerate(energies):
    if len(k_complex[j])>0:
        kr = [numpy.abs(x.real) for x in k_complex[j]]
        ki = [numpy.abs(x.imag) for x in k_complex[j]]
        e = numpy.append(e,[energy,]*len(kr))
        kvr = numpy.append(kvr,kr)
        kvi = numpy.append(kvi,ki)

# Plot with color depending on the imaginary part (corresponding to real k-points)
sc = ax.scatter(-kvi,e,
               cmap=cmap, marker='o', linewidths=0, s=10)
# Put on labels and decorations
ax.grid(True, which='major')
ax.set_xlim(-1, 1)
ax.set_ylim(-5, 1)
ax.annotate('$\kappa$ (1/Ang)', xy=(0.25,-0.07), xycoords="axes fraction", ha="center")
ax.annotate('$kL / \pi$', xy=(0.75,-0.07), xycoords="axes fraction", ha="center")
ax.set_ylabel('Energy / eV')

# Add a colorbar
fig = plt.gcf()
x1, x2, y1, y2 = 0., 1, ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[0]+1
trans = ax.transData + fig.transFigure.inverted()
ax_x1, ax_y1 = trans.transform_point([x1, y1])
ax_x2, ax_y2 = trans.transform_point([x2, y2])
ax_dx, ax_dy = ax_x2 - ax_x1, ax_y2 - ax_y1
cmap_axes = plt.axes([ax_x1, ax_y1, ax_dx, ax_dy])
a = numpy.outer(numpy.arange(0,1,0.01),numpy.ones(10)).transpose()
cmap_plt = plt.imshow(a,aspect='auto',cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap),origin=(0,0))

I have tried to change the two lines
but without any success.

Kindly tell me which parameter in the script should I change to get the axis scale properly.

With best regards,

Dear Quantumwise Users,

I'm a novice user of VNL/Quantumwise. I want to visualize the complex band strucutre (both real and imaginary part) in 2D. I've copied the required python file from quantumwise website but the problem is that the NC file contains two complexbandstructure. Can someone kindly tell me, what input is required to identify the required complex bandstructure from the NC file?

With regards,
Mehboob Alam
University of Calcutta

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