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Topics - srdguezb

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I know there are several posts about transmission eigenvalues. Particularly good explained is However I have a basic question and I need some support (replies or bibliography) to understand this issue.

My question is: "As far as I understand the concept of "transmission eigenchannel" it refers to a set of k-states in the left electrode that are mapped to the same set of k-states into the right electrode. The procedure to obtain them should be the following: For a fixed energy, we need to calculate for each k-state in the left contact its composition in k-states in the right contact. Once calculated the above for every k-state in the left contact we obtain 1 (and only 1) transmission matrix, which depends on energy but not in k. The diagonalization of that matrix provides a several sets of k-states.

However, atk calculates the transmission eigenvalues depending on energy and left k-point, T(E,k), and you wrote that for a particular energy E and k-point k, you take the trace of tt^\dag. So my questions are the following : for every E, and every k, do you calculate one transmission matrix? The procedure is not to build one transmission matrix which contains every k-point for a fixed energy and calculate the trace?

If this is correct, which is the relation between 'my' transmission eigenchannel and yours?"

PD: We're considering 3-D contacts.

General Questions and Answers / Eigenchannel Transmission
« on: April 25, 2010, 19:58 »

I'm sorry if this is a basic question but I have not found the correct answer.

The question is:

'I would like to obtain the transmission of each eigenchannel for a 3D two-probe system.
The way I try it is
  1. I make up a Morhkost grid.
  2. For each energy
     2.1. For each k-point
           2.1. I use the function calculateTransmissionEigenchannel for that energy and k-point. In this way I obtain the transmission for each eigenchannel at that energy and k-point.
     2.2. For each eigenchannel I sum the results of the above k-point loop and divide by NumberOfKpoints*NumberOfKpoints.
The results are right but the program is too slow.

Is there an alternative procedure, as calculateTransmissionSpectrum, but that provides information for each channel?'

Thank you

Hello everybody,

my question is the next one: I think atk provides 2 'equivalent' ways to obtain the transmission spectrum:
  1. Calculate T(E,k) and integrate in k. If the used k's are obtained with the Monhkorst procedure, T(E) is obtained straightforward by adittion and divide by N^2.
  2. Use Trasmission spectrum function.
The question is: Should both approaches provide the same results?

Thus, I have calculated a .nc file with a selfconsistent_calculation, load a variable scf_calc with those data and set up this script by changing few things of that provided by the tutorial 'Transmission Coefficients'

#First way
N=        10
T=        []
K=        []
energies= numpy.arange(-5,5,0.1)*electronVolt
reduced_grid= MonkhorstPackGrid_ReducedToFirstOctant(N)
K=            reduced_grid.getPickedKPoints()
for E in energies:
 tr_limited = calculateTransmissionCoefficients(
  energy = E,
  quantum_numbers = K
 tr_reconstructed = reduced_grid.reconstructT(tr_limited)
 TE = sum(sum(tr_reconstructed))/(N*N)
 if processIsMaster():
  print E,TE
  if -1e-3*eV<E<1e-3*eV:

#Second way
bzip= brillouinZoneIntegrationParameters((N,N))
electron_transmission = calculateTransmissionSpectrum(
 self_consistent_calculation = scf_calc,
 energies = energies,
energies = electron_transmission.energies()
coefficients = electron_transmission.coefficients()
if processIsMaster():
   print 'Energy (eV)      Transmission'
   print '-----------------------------------'
   for i in range(len(energies)):
      print "%g\t%g" % ( energies.inUnitsOf(eV),coefficients )

Thank you


I've got a Intel Core 2 Quad CPU with Ubuntu 8.04 and kernel 2.6.24-24 generic.

If I install atk-2008.10.0 for i386 I have no problem for running but with atk-2008.10.0 for x64 and write

atk --version


atk -version

the machine answers with the next message:

/usr/local/atk-2008.10.0/bin/atk_exec:  3: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string

Can you help me to make the 64 bits version to work?


Admin mod: Removing poll and correcting spelling mistake in subject to help searching

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