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Messages - Daniele Stradi

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Using ATK 2016.4. I don't have any issue when I increase the fuzz factor to 1.15. Please download and install ATK 2016.4, which is the newest available version of ATK 2016, and let us know if the problem persist.

Could you please indicate which version of ATK are you using, and if possible provide the structure/script with which this error appears?
Thanks, Daniele

It should work, but please keep in mind that the STM module is still in an experimental stage, and as such as not been thoroughly tested.

General Questions and Answers / Re: On Fermi Level
« on: June 13, 2017, 16:16 »
Dear Rose,

I would rather say that if you try to simulate MoS2 using the MoS2 unit cell and without introducing defects, then the system must be intrinsic, if the Brillouin zone is sampled accurately enough.

I think a more correct question to ask would be which is the physical origin for the "natural" n-type characteristics that you mention.

If you want to simply consider an average doping, then the two doping schemes implemented in ATK and described here should suit your purpose:


General Questions and Answers / Re: mobility
« on: June 13, 2017, 16:09 »
The tutorial is somehow outdated, compared to the current possibilities offered by ATK. We are working on a revised version on the tutorial, which will be online asap.

- What it would be if I calculate the IV curve of a device with insufficient length of screening region?
Most likely, the calculation will not converge.

- Since for semiconductors, the length of the screening region could be relatively long (e.g. a doping of 1019 cm-3 corresponds to a depletion layer length of around 100 Å), thus, can ATK simulate a metal-semiconductor interface with the length of semiconductor part shorter than that?
No. Again, most likely, the calculation will not converge.

- For a realistic device constructed from metal-semiconductor interface, such as 1nm silver thin film on 2 nm silicon with the doping lever mentioned above (far less than the required screening region length of 100 Å) thin film, what its IV curve would be? How to simulate it?
As I mentioned, the screening region must be fully included in the calculation to ensure convergence, because the potential must be flat at the boundary with the electrodes, see Phys. Rev. B 93, 155302 (2016)

The additional device relaxation is the same as the relaxation done with the 1DMIN method, but for a single value of the length of the central region. Notice also that the 1DMIN method is applied to a DeviceConfiguration, not to a BulkConfiguration. See section: 1DMIN optimization of the interface using 2-probe calculations

You can apply the same considerations as for the 1DMIN method: it can be done to improve the accuracy of the structural optimization, but most of the times the changes are small compared to the structural optimization performed using the central region only.

Yes, it is correct, you have to add the difference between the CBM and the Fermi energy to calculate the electron affinity.
An example of how to use the planar average of the effective potential can be found here:

The electronic structure of III-V depends a lot on the lattice constant. Could you please check the optimized lattice constants calculated with 13.8.1 and compare to those calculated using 2017.a2?

did you use PBE xc-functional also for the calculations with ATK 13.8.1?

Looks OK and does the job  :D

The problem might be due to the number of digits that you have used to specify the band structure k-points in the QE input file. I suggest you to specify those points with a precision of 10-6, that is with 6 decimals, and report back if the problem persists.


Soft phonon modes are not necessary negative, but they might become under certain conditions, indicating a phase-transition.

I think that with VibrationalMode you should be able to obtain the eigenmode even if it has a negative frequency.



One of the main reasons of this forum is to try to build a place for the community of ATK users, where they can interact and exchange information and scripts such as you did. 

General Questions and Answers / Re: Bader charge analysis
« on: April 25, 2017, 22:58 »
Dear Benoit,

I have replied you in a private message. We will investigate if this is an issue with the bader analysis tool for VASP implemented in ATK.


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