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Messages - arpit

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
sir how we can built molecules in ATK 11.2 their is a separate MOLECULAR BUILDER option in ATk- 10.8....plz give me the detailed information about this feature......

Thank you ................. ::)

sir plz help me it possible using atk or not...............

General Questions and Answers / length and width measurement
« on: March 23, 2011, 09:45 »
Sir how can we calculate the width and length of a nano-ribbon using ATK 11.2...
Plz help me out.....................

Thank you very much sir.....for such a detailed explanation... :)

sir, which is the best mehod for studying graphene band structure?????????????
3)Exteded Huckel

sir i m a beginner so can u plz explain how i can rotate it by 90....

thank you sir

General Questions and Answers / reagarding to graphene ribbon
« on: March 14, 2011, 10:55 »
Sir how could we change the plane of a graphene ribbon....
means the graphene ribbon is in YZ-plane can we change that plane into XZ....

I really need your help sir ....

Sir i want wrap it ,at an angle other then 360.
i also go through the tutorial that tutorial support armchair structure but if i use it on zig zag structure and then i passivate that ribbon then i am not getting the result...means in every structure i got the same band structure which is theoretically in correct....

How we can wrap a zig-zag graphene nano-ribbon.......... ???

General Questions and Answers / Re: Elatic constant
« on: March 3, 2011, 10:40 »
sorry sir
i don't find any useful data or information in the paper suggested by you.
if you have any other information then please inform me.

General Questions and Answers / regarding to device
« on: March 2, 2011, 08:01 »
Dear sir
How can we create device with different electrodes.
how can we doped an electrode.

General Questions and Answers / Transmission spectrum
« on: March 1, 2011, 10:30 »
Dear sir
i am not able to understand the transmission spectrum, means how to interpret the graph.
plz help me out......................

General Questions and Answers / Re: Elatic constant
« on: March 1, 2011, 10:01 »
thank you sir :)

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