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Messages - Luiz Fern

Pages: [1]
I'm trying to create a slab. It seems that wrap doesn't work here.
Sure, I can shift but just for a matter of organization, I'd like to have the first atom precisely at 0 0 0.
Maybe I need just to accept that that isn't possible with VNL.

Thanks anyway.

Yes Anders Blom. That's exactly what I need. Until you can add something, do you think there is some way around it?


I want to create a surface but can't figure out a way to don't have vacuum at the bottom. Is the default.
Of course, I have set up the bottom vacuum to be 0 layers and 0 angstrom. But still I have ~2.5 A of bottom vacuum.

I know I can translate the surface once it is created. But I really would like to have a default setting for this.

Pages: [1]