« on: August 6, 2010, 12:02 »
Dear Sir:
I am new to use this powerful software ATK. I have some question which I could not solve by myself.
(1)The structure is displayed by “Ball” form. And I tried to change its form to “ball-stick” form but unfortunately it failed.
(2)Could I load the structure from the DMol3 directly to the ATK? If yes, how it can be transferred?
(3)When I construct the nanowires in ATK, I want to edit the structure and in your tutorials , it is mentioned an example that :
ribbon = NanoRibbon(3,0,dangling_atom=Boron,dangling_bond_length=1.5*Angstrom)
ribbon = ribbon.repeat(1,1,10)
Should this statement be saved by a vnl. fie and load it to where and then construct these nanostructures?