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Messages - MilanaProdanov

Pages: [1]

1. You can try using it, but unfortunately, we can only guarantee that it will work with the previous (S-version) and the current Sentaurus releases (T-version).

2. You will need to set up two different machines in the job manager - one for running the QuantumATK calculation, and the other for running the Sentaurus TCAD calculations.
The tutorial here explains how to setup the machine for running calculations on the Sentaurus TCAD, because it is a very specific case.
The machine setup for running QuantumATK calculation should be set in a usual way, described here:  Note that both machine setups need to have QuantumATK path set in the Environment tab (see 3.), since the scripts sent through the job manager should be run by the atkpython.

3. See the attached screenshot. Just set the 'ATK executable path' field. This is an executable that will run the script provided to the job manager.

4. The current implementation does not support that. Preparing the data and running it on Sentaurus is done in one step.

Kind regards


In order to run 'SWB Model Calibration' or 'S'WB Device Characterization' calculation steps from a new plugin in NanoLab, you would need to have TCAD Sentaurus Workbench installed and set up,

If you do not have the TCAD Sentaurus Workbench then you would not be able to run these calculations.

If you do have it, then you could create a shell script like in the example below,
and use it in the machine setup (Environment tab -> Scripts to source) when setting up a new i.e. SGE machine in the JobManager.
This machine should be used for 'SWB Model Calibration' and 'SWB Device Characterization' calculation steps:

STROOT=<The root folder of a TCAD Sentaurus Workbench installation.> ; export STROOT

STRELEASE=<The release version of TCAD Sentaurus Workbench to use., i.e. T-2022.03-L1>; export STRELEASE

STDB=<The working directory that TCAD Sentaurus Workbench should use, i.e. your desktop file>; export STDB

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/linux64/lib:$STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/linux64/tcad_mpi_mpich/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH

SWB_SITE_SETTINGS_DIR=<**Optional** path to the setting for, e.g., job queuing that TCAD Sentaurus Workbench should use>; export SWB_SITE_SETTINGS_DIR


LM_LICENSE_FILE=<Your TCAD Sentaurus Workbench license File>; export LM_LICENSE_FILE

Pages: [1]