« on: March 14, 2011, 13:31 »
Hallo everybody,
I have build a nanodevice: Au CdSe Ti. And I simulate I-V curves at first I have only a linear function as i put symmetrize I-C curves and I have a beutifull diode characteristic. But I have some questions:
1. What Im doing with symmetrize function? Is that some kind of absoltue values or signum function
2. Is there a possobility to simulate surface traps? Maybe current-time curves?
3. Is there a possibilty to look how change a current if I iluminate that with light?
4. Can ATK read mathlab scripts?
5. At last is there a possiblity to sweep a gate for such devices? I have simulate a gate like in tutorial graphene but ists dissapear if i make a device modus? Why?
P.S. last question: How much costs to update a ATK for linux cluster-PC?
Thanks for help
Best regards