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Messages - MobiNaz

Pages: [1]
Hi all,

I am a new user of this forum and Graphene. I am after a schottky diode with zero band gap  or zero turn on voltage. I have come across a model of diode fabricated using a structure similar to FET- Graphene [1].

BAnd gap can be controlled by width of the ribbon as in [2]. A width of around 184 nm would give me around 0.001eV band gap ~ 0 eV. So if I use the same model with ribbon around 200 nm wide and 2 micrometer in L , will i be able to get the required diode. What else should I consider in developing the diode?

Am I thinking in the right direction? Is there any Schottiky diode Graphene manufacturer?

Thanks for your help in advance.


1. Kargar, A.;   Chengkuo Lee;   "Graphene nanoribbon schottky diodes using asymmetric contacts"

2. Han, M. Y. , Ozyilmaz, B. Et al. (2007). “Energy band gap engineering of graphene nanoribbons.” PHYSICAL REVIEW L 98, 206805

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