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Messages - qew394

Pages: [1]

I am trying to generate amorphous structures to train machine learning potential. I know there are several limit to amorphous structure due to the inherent DFT condition, 'periodic boundary condition(PBC)'. But many applications and approaches are attempted such as vacuum slab with single k-point along the vacuum direction(NxNx1) and other people build the amorphous structure with large cell under PBC(crystal in macro but amorphous in local). Based on these facts, I thought that 1x1x1 k-point might be proper for large amorphous structure like did for vacuum slab. On the other hand, some people say that energy convergence must be tested by increasing k-points.

As it is assumed that statements above are all correct, then I expected that fast convergence will be achieved as cell size gets larger. But it was not true. The moderate convergence always reaches for the higher k-point density in regardless of cell size.

It seems all my question arises because of unreasonable approach: amorphous structure with periodic DFT simulation.
But I just want to find which one is better approach about k-point sampling for large amorphous cell.

Here's my question.
1. Like single k-point is applied along the vacuum direction due to the broken PBC condition, then will it be ok if I put 1x1x1 kpoint for amorphous bulk structure as long as the cell is large enough, even though convergence is not achieved at 1x1x1? which means 1x1x1 is 'more correct' than 3x3x3 for large amorphous cell. 
2. In many DFT papers, it is said that "we set the K-point density by 0.02(2pi/A)" or "DFT is calculated using 1x1x1 k-point sampling since the cell is large", saying like 'lower number of k-points is ok because our cell is large'. But I believe the concept of 'less number of kpoint is ok for larger cell' is only valid only if the large cell is formed with 'exactly the same' and smaller unit cells. Am I correct ?

Thank you for reading my long questions !

Thank you for the reply.

My system doesn't need any doping. Then no need to make the system long ??
Although there is no doping, the gradient of electrostatic potential may occur near the interface, am I right??

Thank you for the reply !

I might be wrong. But as I understood in the tutorial[1], it seems the semiconductor channel length must be long enough until the Hatree potential converge to the right electrode.



First of all, my system is device config of metal/amorphous semiconductor In-O (not metal/semiconductor/metal)

I tried to calculate the schottky barrier from LDOS.
I have read the tutorial and paper; ag-si interface  and Nanoscale Adv., 2021, 3, 567.

And I have found that the channel length must be long enough for the electrostatic potential to converge toward E=0

Here is my question. But what if  a channel of my system must have finite size like 2~3nm width?

My idea about this question is that it is impossible to simulate finite size of channel because  NEGF only works for open BC system. Am I correct..? If not, how to solve it.

Thank you for your help in advance !

Pages: [1]