« on: May 16, 2013, 20:48 »
I am currently working on the calculation of a 2D MoS2 device. As Ander's recommendation, in my script I first do a geometry optimization before calculating the lddos. And I tried to use GGA for the calculation. The program aborted and I checked the log and I see a non convergence in the simulation and the error message is shown below. I suspect that is because I am using quasi newton for the optimization and I am wondering how I should change the restricts. I am also thinking that for a device simulation if it is proper to use 11 k-point sampling and 60 Hartree as pseudo potential since that will be very time-consuming. The settings worked pretty well for the lattice simulation with just the basis of A moly atom and a sulfur atom but it is not working for the device. Can I know what can I do to modify the script to have the simulation well set? Thank you.
File "/home/koesters/suxxx172/suxxx172//ATKSIMS/shellscripts/20130505_lddos.py", line 488, in <module>
File "./zipdir/NL/Dynamics/Optimization/OptimizeGeometry.py", line 229, in OptimizeGeometry
File "./zipdir/NL/Dynamics/Optimization/OptimizeGeometry.py", line 338, in runSimultaneousRelaxation
File "./zipdir/NL/Dynamics/Optimization/OptimizeGeometry.py", line 263, in runRelaxation
File "./zipdir/NL/Dynamics/ASEAtomsInterface.py", line 173, in get_forces
File "./zipdir/NL/Dynamics/ASEAtomsInterface.py", line 97, in _update
File "./zipdir/NL/Calculators/LCAOCalculator/Analysis/FastEnergyForcesStress.py", line 28, in energyFunction
File "./zipdir/NL/Calculators/LCAOCalculator/Analysis/FastEnergyForcesStress.py", line 65, in _checkAndUpdate
File "./zipdir/NL/Calculators/LCAOCalculator/Analysis/FastEnergyForcesStress.py", line 90, in _update
File "./zipdir/NL/Calculators/LCAOCalculator/Analysis/EnergyForcesStress.py", line 72, in calculateLCAOEnergyForcesStress
File "./zipdir/NL/Calculators/LCAOCalculator/Analysis/EnergyForcesStressUtilities.py", line 19, in setupLCAOEnergyForcesStressCalculator
File "./zipdir/NL/Calculators/LCAOCalculator/Analysis/EnergyForcesStressUtilities.py", line 344, in setupBackengineConstraints
NL.ComputerScienceUtilities.Exceptions.NLValueError: Stress can only be calculated in the z-direction for devices.