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Messages - anantvijay

Pages: [1]
General Questions and Answers / About .cif file
« on: November 21, 2014, 23:20 »
Hello everyone,
I am trying to open a .cif file in this Builder module but it is not opening,What should i do .I have attcahed the file please suggest me

well if you have vnl 13.0 then simply go to builder and click on add near to stash and Add-> from plugin-> Nanoribbon. click on one of the optins say armchair edge.that will give you GNR with armchair endings.Then you provide the value in given box in terms of 'atoms wide' .and that is your no or dimers that belong to classes .lik for example if you want to form a 3p+1 class GNR then give for e.g. p=3 then 3p+1 will be equal to your 'atoms wide ' optins.put ten inside the box and build it.then go to bulk tools to repeat the structure in order to give the length of the wire.

General Questions and Answers / About k point sampling
« on: October 11, 2014, 09:14 »
Hi people !
                I am trying to find out the band structure for graphene nano ribbon but I don't know about the k sampling .I am trying 1x1x32 but that is not giving accurate results for different widths .The ribbon width I am taking in # of dimers N.(in Armchair graphene nano ribbon ).do I need to change the k sampling for different widths or 1x1xn will do where z is my transport direction i mean length of wire.Please suggest me.
Thank you in advance

General Questions and Answers / About Weak localization
« on: August 25, 2014, 07:02 »
Hi people!
I am trying simulating the GNR (Graphene Nano Ribbon),weak localization can some one please tell me that whether this is posssible or not If yes then how .I am not getting anytutorial for that.

Pages: [1]