Dear everyone,
I can't calculate the magnetoresistance ratio (MR) for my two-probe system. I noticed that there several papers that calculate MR using atk, such as [PhysRevB.81.233403], [APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 96, 042104], [PhysRevB.78.224418] ... (you can search 'magnetoresistance' in the publication list of atk). These papers use the same method, calculating the currents/transmissions by seting the electrodes to be spin parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP). Also, there are similiar examples in the manuals/tutorials, like 'Mini-tutorial 2' in .
My two-probe is similar to this 'Mini-tutorial 2'. I also use the atomic carbon linear chain as the electrode, but the bond distance is 1.27 angstrom (I get this value by minimizing the total energy and it also can be found in published papers), not 2.90 angstrom in the tutorial.
The problem is, I can only set the initial spin polarized states of electrodes to be P or AP. After scf steps, they (P and AP) both converged to a unpolarized state. SO I can't get the currents/transmissions for P and AP.
Are there any other methods?
Can anyone help me?
Thank you!