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Messages - bsharma

Pages: [1]
ok . thank you sir! have a good day!  :)

i'm using 2015.1 version. Yeah it does sometimes, job continues running but job manager acts like job is finished. It uses so much core at that time and everything hangs for sometime. then i need to restart my pc.

I m using KDE Kubuntu. If I kill the process, software may crash!!Is it safe?? that's the reason m asking possible way.

I want to know the possible way by which i can stop execution of script in Job Manager!!! I m clicking on "stop execution of job" but nothing is happening. pplease help!

thanks for the information!
as i mentioned, i am using academic license. my license file name is 'B07349_34028621B7EF.lic'
i am using VNL on my laptop and after sending my physical address i got the 'free academic license'.
for now, i m gonna mail them again with all ids..

is there any other option that i can do?????

Installation and License Questions / Academic License not working
« on: February 28, 2016, 06:18 »
after license configuration, i ran the software. for 3 times, software worked well on my system but now it is showing

License Error: (Internal: 147 Feature: ATKMaster)

[LOCAL] C:\Users\Baldeo S\.quantumwise\licenses\quantum_15.0.lic - (Err: 10) HostID does not match license

License configuration (environment variables):
QUANTUM_LICENSE_PATH = 'C:\\Program Files\\QuantumWise\\VNL-ATK-2015.1\\license\\B07349_34028621B7EF.lic;C:\\Users\\Baldeo S\\.quantumwise\\licenses'
*** Make sure to include the information above when contacting support ***

if i remove 'quantum_15.0.lic' file then it shows..

License Error: (Internal: 147 Feature: ATKMaster)

[LOCAL] C:\Users\Baldeo S\.quantumwise\licenses\B07349_34028621B7EF.lic - (Err: 9) Feature not found

License configuration (environment variables):
QUANTUM_LICENSE_PATH = 'C:\\Program Files\\QuantumWise\\VNL-ATK-2015.1\\license\\B07349_34028621B7EF.lic;C:\\Users\\Baldeo S\\.quantumwise\\licenses'
*** Make sure to include the information above when contacting support ***

for academic free license, can i use basic ATK??

anyone can help with these errors???

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