General Questions and Answers / Re: Why can not calculate the ElectronDensity of Bulkconfiguration using ATK-SE?
« on: November 13, 2012, 21:16 »
Let's see if these numbers make sense:
These are some pretty small volumes .. so this number of electrons is the number per a small volume element .. does it make sense if i now multiply this by device width and length to get total?
diffDensity1 = nlread(fName, ElectronDifferenceDensity, object_id="diffDensity[vg-0.25000][vds0.50000]")[0]
diffDensity2 = nlread(fName, ElectronDifferenceDensity, object_id="diffDensity[vg-0.20000][vds0.50000]")[0]
diffDensity3 = nlread(fName, ElectronDifferenceDensity, object_id="diffDensity[vg0.00000][vds0.50000]")[0]
s1 = diffDensity1[:, :, :].sum()
s2 = diffDensity2[:, :, :].sum()
s3 = diffDensity3[:, :, :].sum()
print s1, s2, s3, s2-s1, s3-s2
# Find the volume elements.
dX1, dY1, dZ1 = diffDensity1.volumeElement()
dX2, dY2, dZ2 = diffDensity2.volumeElement()
dX3, dY3, dZ3 = diffDensity3.volumeElement()
length_unit1 = dX1.unit()
length_unit2 = dX2.unit()
length_unit3 = dX3.unit()
# Calculate the volume of the volume element.
dV1 = numpy.dot(dX1, numpy.cross(dY1,dZ1)) * length_unit1**3
dV2 = numpy.dot(dX2, numpy.cross(dY2,dZ2)) * length_unit2**3
dV3 = numpy.dot(dX3, numpy.cross(dY3,dZ3)) * length_unit3**3
print "volumes", dV1, dV2, dV3
numE1 = s1*dV1
numE2 = s2*dV2
numE3 = s3*dV3
print "Total # electrons: ", numE1, numE2, numE3
2.49328980937 1/Bohr**3 2.62952644165 1/Bohr**3 3.18669569532 1/Bohr**3 0.136236632277 1/Bohr**3 0.557169253673 1/Bohr**3
volumes 0.341388054851 Bohr**3 0.341388054851 Bohr**3 0.341388054851 Bohr**3
Total # electrons: 0.851179358199 0.897688917092 1.08789984483
These are some pretty small volumes .. so this number of electrons is the number per a small volume element .. does it make sense if i now multiply this by device width and length to get total?