Hello, I'm Jin-Kyu Choi from Chonnam National University, South Korea.
To calculate I-V curves, I followed the description in the "Minitutorial" from Quantumwise web (
Because I had a memory deficiency trouble, I modified the self-consistent calculation script as below (I've got an advise about it from the Forum 2 days ago
for voltage in [0., 0.4, 0.8]*Volt:
nlsave("lih2li_iv_scf_bias_%g.nc" % voltage.inUnitsOf(Volt), device_configuration)After that, I tried to calculate the trasmission spectrum and voltage drop for each case by using the script as in "Calculating the analysis quantities" part from the Tutorial.
Then I've got an error message as follows:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\docume~1\wolfnf~1\locals~1\temp\8823705931732971.py", line 32, in <module>
voltage_drop = potential - zero_bias_potential
NameError: name 'zero_bias_potential' is not definedHere is the part of input scrip related to the error of 'zero_bias_potential':
if float(bias)!=0.:
voltage_drop = potential - zero_bias_potential
nlsave(analysis_filename, voltage_drop, object_id="Voltage drop %s" % bias)
zero_bias_potential = potentialI think it is needed to modify the line about defining the "zero_bias_potential" in the input scrip. Could anybody help me?
Thank you.