Author Topic: How to get the transmission spectrum as a function of electron energy E  (Read 2659 times)

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Offline kalewu

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Dear all,

Can you tell me how to get the transmission spectrum as a function of electron energy E as shown in Figure enclosed.

Thanks in advance.

Offline zh

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First, you have to perform a serial of transmission spectrum calculations of a device system at different bias voltage V_ds in the range shown in the figure [ e.g., V_ds  increases from -1.2 V to 1.2 V in an interval of 0.2 V].
Second, arrange and print out the data  in the following format for the transmission coefficient as functional of E at different V_ds:
 E[1]_1  V_ds [1]             transmission coefficient[1]_1
 E[1]_n   V_ds [1]             transmission coefficient[1]_n    

 E[2]_1  V_ds [2]             transmission coefficient[2]_1
 E[2]_n   V_ds [2]             transmission coefficient[2]_n    

 E[m]_1  V_ds [m]             transmission coefficient[m]_1
 E[m]_n   V_ds [m]             transmission coefficient[m]_n    

Third, for the 3 dimensional data in the above format, you can use the matplotlib of python and the GNUPLOT to draw a contour plot for generating plot as you desired. For the details, you had better ask the author of the source of that figure.

Offline kalewu

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