Author Topic: Unoccupied orbitals with unusual shapes  (Read 8147 times)

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Unoccupied orbitals with unusual shapes
« on: September 5, 2009, 23:26 »
Fellows, it is me again.

I am continuing my work on the dissertation, and have received a new challenge from my mentor (we had solved some of the others) regarding the work in it.  He seems to be concerned about the unoccupied eigenstates I plotted for some of the materials I am using in the dissertation.  For the examples I am posting on this topic, I am using monolayer hexagonal boron nitride, whose calculations I performed with a 40x40x20 LDA-PZ grid and DZDP (double zeta double polarized).  I obtained the eigenstates near the Fermi energy level at Gamma, K, and M.  As h-BN is isoelectronic with graphene, both have the same number of eigenstates.  In the case of monolayer h-BN, the occupied eigenstates end with eigenstate #3 (starting from #0), and the unoccupied energies begin with eigenstate #4.  These eigenstates are the solid-state equivalents of highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), and are used primarily to help my chemistry-oriented committee understand my work.

When I plotted the LUMO eigenstate at Gamma for h-BN, I obtained an orbital that looks quite different.  It is quite easy to figure out which orbitals contribute to the eigenstates that are occupied, but virtual orbitals are challenging in terms of physical meaning.  In h-BN, I do get N-centered orbitals for the occupied eigenstates, as they are electron-rich.  The boron atoms are primarily used for the empty orbitals (unoccupied energy levels), as they are electron-poor. 

Can you find out what orbitals contribute to the Gamma LUMO in h-BN?  I sometimes get the same thing in orbital images using bilayer structures with h-BN in them.  Do you have anything else to tell me about unoccupied orbitals near the Fermi energy level?  They generally arise from mixing of atomic or group orbitals (very useful for molecular orbitals).

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Re: Unoccupied orbitals with unusual shapes
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2009, 15:41 »
An update...I found out the composition of the Gamma eigenstate at the conduction band level!  After reading an article on photoelectron spectroscopy with 65 eV photons in Surface Science, vol. 162, year 1985, pages 11-18, the mention of 3s orbitals gave me a clue.  As the Gamma LUMO eigenstates in bilayers or larger systems are two-noded and spherically symmetrical, they are very likely 3s orbitals.  I have a few more orbitals to show, in hopes of getting responses from you.  This time, these are from graphite conformers I tested for the dissertation.  It is another of the challenges from my mentor, so solving it will make the dissertation harder to compromise.

In some of these eigenstates, the phase factors seem quite different from the usual 0 and pi values.  There are also instances of sharp discontinuities between phase=0 and phase=pi in some of the conduction band eigenstates.  Can you explain why this happens?  They do look very much like pi orbitals, despite their strange coloring patterns.

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Re: Unoccupied orbitals with unusual shapes
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2009, 20:33 »
It seems to me the strange coloring occurs at the boundary of the unit cell. It might be that VNL doesn't properly manage to account for a phase factor involved when going into the next zone, although it should normally not be a problem... You may try to increase the resolution by increasing the mesh cut-off to see if the effect really is abrupt or just very fast (and the seemingly abrupt change is due to too few points).

Offline Quantamania

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Re: Unoccupied orbitals with unusual shapes
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2009, 17:28 »
Thank you for the information.  I found out more about the role of the unit cell in defining the Bloch wavefunction conditions.  It tells that at edges of unit cells or Brillouin zones, discontinuities can exist.  They cannot exist anywhere else, and I noticed that the four-fold coloring of the orbitals arises from four separate discontinuities.  As one of the atoms lies right on the edge of the unit cell (coordinates of that atom are x=0 and y=0, leaving it right on an edge), there are four unit cell replicates it is crossing through.  Perhaps a look straight down at one of these orbitals should help to confirm this.

I have been able to explain this to my mentor and will consider making a picture showing a top-down view of the multi-colored orbitals for the supplemental information.  Graphite is an excellent example of these orbital discontinuities, as it has two atoms on the edge of the unit cell.

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Re: Unoccupied orbitals with unusual shapes
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2009, 17:46 »
Most of these pictures for HOMO or LUMO orbitals are presented in isosurface, so the exact shapes of the visualized HOMO or LUMO orbtials could be dependent strongly on the choice of isosurface value. It is meaningless to get to the bottom of the fine details of the orbital shape.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 17:49 by zh »

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Re: Unoccupied orbitals with unusual shapes
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2009, 03:10 »
The problem with the discontinuous color can be avoided by centering the atoms in the unit cell. This is always possible, and results like band structure etc are completely independent of any shift of the coordinates, but by not placing the atoms on the edge of the cell, you can get continuous coloring.