Thank you Umberto.....
Quite a few points_
Some where it is written that..... "The calculation at 0.1 V will be done by restarting the one at 0.0 V. This method improves quite a lot the convergence of each SCF calculations" ? Why so? To save computational time? ? But, typically what I find that.... as bias voltage increases...time taken for the convergence, also increases.....!!
I did not get, what this line is actually interpreting_
"In this case, since you are calculating the IV curve for an applied bias ranging from -0.5 V to 0.5 V you can in principle evaluate the TS only within -0.25 eV and 0.25 eV "
Sometimes we find that the calculation ends up with an warning...which is something like,
"calculation did not the computed multigrid residual is greater than the required accuracy"
However, The transmission object gets still generated....!!!
Do you suggest to discard such a transmission object, T(k, e).... ( or, it's okay as long as the T(k, e) is getting determined....) ??!!!