Thanks. That's what I'm doing. When you're stretching a molecule, how much actual change can be expected from a symmetric hexagonal lattice to an asymmetric one? When I run vasp calculations, the difference is size between the two BZ routes is so small, it's almost imperceptible. I have to subtract the differences between eigenval data before I see any change in size. Even then it's quite small. Is that to be expected?
Here's the way I run my bandstructure calculations. I allow the poscar to relax for all 3 runs. Should I fix them after optimization? Or is this OK and my data is as expected? I don't have any data to compare to as a reference, so I don't know if my data is right or wrong. There is a clear trend of percent strain vs the ratio change of the two K-K' routes at least.
1) Optimization. Unfixed poscar
2) Self-consistency. Unfixed poscar
3) Bandstructure. Unfixed poscar.