I would not recommend the approach to start from 0K, and then use a large coupling constant to slowly increase the temperature, especially not for Nose-Hoover-based thermostats, such as NPT-Melchionna. The problem with these thermostats is that the temperature does not approach the target temperature exponentially, but instead oscillates around the target temperature with an amplitudes that is, at least in the beginning, proportional to the difference between actual temperature (i.e. 0K) and target temperature (i.e. 1200 K). That means the temperature might at some point overshoot the target temperature by a considerable amount, which can destabilize the system. Instead, I recommend to use the NVT-Nose-Hoover-Chain-thermostat where you can set an initial and a final temperature, which linearly changes the target temperature from one to the other value during the simulation (while keeping the thermostat_timescale reasonably low at ~100 fs). Unfortunately, this is currently only possible for NVT and not NPT (in ATK-2016 it will be possible for all thermostats and barostats).
The error message that you encounter, though, has nothing to do with this. This might be a problem that we sometimes encounter if the trajectory is saved too often. You can try increasing the log_interval parameter to, say 500 steps and check if the problem still persists.