when i calculated the the transmission spectra,.
I used SZP basis for H and C, the results consist well with the results published in a paper(also ATK calculation)
later, i used DZP for C and SZP for H, it does not convergence at all.
i have tuned parameters such as mixing parameters, but they does not work.
until i tuned below papameter, it works (according to the ATK forum hints)
energy_contour_integral_parameters =energyContourIntegralParameters(
circle_points = 50,
integral_lower_bound = 4*Rydberg,however, the transmission spectra has rather differences with the SZP calculation as well as the publised work.
So, would you please tell me have you faced the similar question? why different integral_lower_bound inflence the result so much.
if yes, would you give me some hints? Anyway, i feel the scf convergence is a tricky work.