hi : every one
i have some question about mpsh calculation:
1) if i have many projection_atoms in calculateProjectedHamiltonianEigenstates funtion, beside i wrote one by one such as below, can i write a loop in python language, how to write in script?
2) i have searched the forum, and found MPSH is only suitable molecular in scattering region , not for the nanowire in scattering region? is it true? and why?
3) the mpsh analysis is better for the molecular only (Zh answer), but others says if the molecular interact with sufacelayer atoms strongly , it should include some surfacelayer atoms. so i am confusing.
4) i have two quantum _numbers to concern. one is the first one below zero energy. and another is the first one above the zero. (i think, they are related the transport in Ef (no bias condition)? but when i watch the 3D plot of the mpsh, i thought, it should have two Eigenstates( the two i set above), but i only saw one Eigenstates. why ?
maybe my question is foolish. i would like some idear to clarify.
self_consistent_calculation = scf,
projection_atoms = (72, 73, 74, 75……),
quantum_numbers = (547,548,549,550,551,552,553,554,)