I found an error while following through this tutorial :
https://docs.quantumatk.com/tutorials/boron_diffusion_in_si/boron_diffusion_in_si.htmlI attached a python file which was used for the Adaptive Kinetic Monte Carlo (AKMC) calculation and the output file which is the log file. The saddle search stopped after 69th saddle search and apparently, there were no new state discovered after this.
This is the error message shown in the log file:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "zipdir/NL/ComputerScienceUtilities/ParallelTools/DynamicTaskScheduler.py", line 427, in __runInParallelModeAsDelegator
File "zipdir/NL/Dynamics/AdaptiveKineticMonteCarlo.py", line 1313, in schedulerCode
File "zipdir/NL/Dynamics/AdaptiveKineticMonteCarlo.py", line 840, in search
File "zipdir/NL/ComputerScienceUtilities/ParallelTools/DynamicTaskScheduler.py", line 793, in waitAnyTaskFinished
File "zipdir/NL/ComputerScienceUtilities/ParallelTools/DynamicTaskScheduler.py", line 1120, in __monitorTasks
File "Request.pyx", line 47, in mpi4py.MPI.Request.Test (src/mpi4py.MPI.c:50413)
mpi4py.MPI.Exception: Unknown error class, error stack:
PMPI_Test(189)........................: MPI_Test(request=0x1529336f4f70, flag=0x7ffca46265c8, status=0x1) failed
MPIR_Test_impl(67)....................: fail failed
MPIDU_Complete_posted_with_error(1710): Process failed
Can anyone guide me through this error and explain why this error message showed up? Thank you!