Yes this is an recurring problem, that requires a little Christmas stiry. First of all it pays off to know that atkpython is actually a launcher script - it is a bash script that sets several important environment variables before the program is run. In particular it sets the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables that control where the OS loader should look for shared libraries, such as Before v. 2023.03 we set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the loader would also load the mpi library we ship with QuantumATK (yes, we ship Intel MPI - no need to install it yourself, though it may still be preferable). This however caused problems on some clusters that couldn't use Intel MPI we shipped, because it was of an older version. To allow for users to use their custom MPI installation we changed the launcher so as to append the path to the shipped MPI library, which means that if the system already has a in LD_LIBRARY_PATH it will be preferred. This also caused problems because a lot of people run it on system where they don't know that they actually have an Intel MPI in their paths. So in v. 2023.09 we now ship two launchers: atkpython which will ALWAYS use the shipped and atkpython_custom-mpi which assumes that you are using a system installed Intel MPI.
Here's a guide to use them:
If you want to use the shipped MPI, you should execute the atkpython launcher, but for safety ensure that you also use the shipped MPI launcher in path/to/QuantumATK/mpi/bin/mpiexec and further ensure that you do not have unnecessary I_MPI_* environment variables set, especially I_MPI_ROOT. Be sure to not source any or similar scripts and don't use the mpirun script that ships with Intel MPI.
If you want to use the system Intel MPI you have to source the Intel MPI environment either though sourcing or module load intel-mpi if the cluster has a module for it. Then you should run atkpython_custom-mpi instead of atkpython and everything should work if you have configured MPI correctly (but that is also now your own responsibility).