I have several question due to graphene nanoribbon
1)Why there are hydrogen atoms,can we just delete it?
You can delete them, but you would change the physics. They are used to saturate the dangling carbon bonds. All other carbon atoms in the graphene sheet have 3 nearest neighbors (carbon), but the edge atoms only 2. So to get all bonds saturated, you add hydrogen. This is a normal technique, and even if you don't see the hydrogen atoms in some plots in publications, that's often because they are just not shown.
2)when we calculate energy bands for graphene nanoribbon then the paralel axes shows nothing
Should be gamma to K or how we know it?
The default route for a periodic atom configuration (which the ribbons are) is k=(0,0,0) to k=(0,0,pi/a) where a is the period length in the Z direction. So it's not the K point for graphene, it's rather the Z point = (0,0,1) in fractional coordinates.
3)How we can delete/replace atoms in "electrode" part?
You basically have to do this by hand for the ribbons, either you want to change the existing structure or build some new structure from scratch. What exactly do you want to change?
4)Can u describe briefly what is transmission spectrum?I didnt find much from books.
There is no efficient data for x and y-axis .Y-axis says word "Transmission",x-axis says "E-Ef(Ev)"
Is there shown Fermi level?
A very good book on the subject (although the presentation is a bit broader than what ATK covers) is by S. Datta,
Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems.
The transmission spectrum T(E) measures the accumulated probability that the electrons will be transferred from incoming states on the left electrode to outgoing states on the right electrode. This "probability" can at any energy E be larger than 1 since it's a sum of contributions from all possible modes (essentially all different bands crossing the particular energy). Each mode can however only have probability 0<T<1; these are the
transmission eigenvalues that you can compute with the function
T has no unit (it's just a number), so therefore it's just written transmission. On the other axis, you have the energy. Since absolute energies have no meaning, the energy used in the evaluation is always taken relative the average Fermi energies Ef of the two electrodes. Please see
this thread (the later posts) for a longer discussion on this topic.