ok about number of master/slave nodes, something is still not clear, i apologize ..
the way the msi system explain, for example, i can specify as below:
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00,pmem=4000mb,nodes=8:ppn=8
then i can run as:
mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $n_proc ...
but the way they explain n_proc should be 64, the number of cores, not 8x2=16 which is what you told me before .. we know each node is a 2 processor quad core system, so there are 8 cores per node .. you said previously i should then specify n_proc as # nodes x 2, .. but the way they explain is # nodes x # cores in their example scripts .. so question 1 is, is this particular for how atk works, or is n_proc=#cores correct?
Second question is, if i run as above, where n_proc = 64, with 8 nodes, .. how many are master and how many are slave? our license allows 3 masters, so should i assume it is using all 3? i looked up a page on mpirun and i found this:
http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpi/mpich1-old/docs/mpichman-globus2/node122.htmthere I only see 2 options which seems to be applicable:
-np <np>
specify the number of processors to run on
-nodes <nodes>
specify the number of nodes to run on (for SMP systems,
currently only ch_mpl device supports this)
Still though if i use these options, it does not tell me how many master and slave, and also the description above says -np should be the number of processors, and the MSI documentation here: (
https://www.msi.umn.edu/hpc/itasca/quickstart) shows that -np is the number of cores, not processors ...
I am confused ..
Basically what i want is to run with as much power as possible, but leaving 1 master node available for my collegue who is also using the license ...