I use ATK2013. I'm trying to build a unitcell of a 8ZGNR-4BNNR hybrid nanoribbon.
1. Once I used the "merge" tool, in order to merge 8ZGNR and 4BNNR, and then I optimized the whole 8ZGNR-4BNNR unitcell.
2. I created a 12ZGNR, then I changed 2 dimer lines of C atoms to B and N atoms (4BNNR), finally I optimized the whole 8ZGNR-4BNNR unitcell.
I have 3 questions:
1. I would like to know that which one of the mentioned methods is more recommended?
2. what is the lattice constant for a ZGNR-BNNR structure? (when i used the first method, the lattice constant was 2.505, and by the second method it was 2.46. )
3. I use DFT for optimization. I set cut-off and k-point sampling to 150Ryd and 5,5,5 respectively. the optimization setting is the defeult setting. is it correct? what is your recommendation for the setting of scripter?
Thank you