Author Topic: Liquids  (Read 5408 times)

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Offline Sunnyvale

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« on: May 24, 2016, 03:53 »
Hello, I would like to replicate the results of
They used Quantum Espresso and some other pieces of sofware to find the adsorption energy of calcite in proximity to water, and the the free energy of solvation for Mg 2+ and SO4 2- substituted in calcite in proximity to water.
I would like to know if ATK can do these calculations?

To find the energy of adsorption, I want to find a reasonable example of an initial configuration of water molecules close to a calcite surface. Classical molecular dynamics should give me such a configuration of lowest energy.  How do I build water and how do I run MD for the water near the calcite?

Can ATK then calculate:
 Total energy of calcite with n adsorbed water molecules
Total energy of calcite in vacuum
Number of adsorbed water molecules
Total energy of isolated water molecule

To find the free energy of adsorption, how do I build Mg 2+ and SO4 2-  and how do I substitute one Ca2+ ion with an Mg2+ ion? And how do I substitute one CO3- ion with an SO42- ion? And then can ATK calculate the energies?

Thank you very much

Offline zh

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2016, 14:26 »
In principle, ATK can do such simulation because the molecular dynamics for several types of ensemble have been already implemented in ATK. (refer to

You have to first find out the key parameters used in the simulation of that paper.
1). The supercell size;
2). The number of water molecules used in their supercell;
3). The ensemble method;
4). The temperature, time step, number of simulation steps in the MD simulations.

In the initial configuration, you can randomly put a couple of water molecules (the number of water molecule should be close to that in the reference you mentioned) close to the calcite surface. And then do a NVT simulation with sufficient steps to achieve an equilibrium state.

Can ATK then calculate:
 Total energy of calcite with n adsorbed water molecules
Total energy of calcite in vacuum
Number of adsorbed water molecules
Total energy of isolated water molecule
It is sure that ATK can do.

"how do I build Mg 2+ and SO4 2-  and how do I substitute one Ca2+ ion with an Mg2+ ion? And how do I substitute one CO3- ion with an SO42- ion? And then can ATK calculate the energies?"

Put MgSO4 molecule (i.e., Mg, S, and O atoms) into the supercell. 
Replace Ca atom with Mg atom.      CO3---> SO4.
Because the whole system is neutral, it is no necessary to specify whether the species are  cation or anion ions. The charge distribution around atoms will be automatically determined during the self-consistent calculations.

Yes, it can do.

Offline Sunnyvale

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2016, 16:23 »
Thanks for your reply.
How do we construct the water? Do we simply add hydrogen and oxygen into the Builder-- how would we prevent it bonding with the other atoms?

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2016, 01:49 »
See here for a water molecule:

A template for the xyz file of water molecule.
 O 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
 H 0.758602 0.000000 0.504284
 H 0.758602 0.000000 -0.504284

Offline Sunnyvale

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2016, 06:48 »
Thanks, that helps a lot!

Offline Sunnyvale

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2016, 11:38 »
I'm trying to construct water as described in the tutorial you linked, but I am having trouble. I open the Editor, paste in the code, and then send to the Job Manager. It runs, but nothing but the log file and py file appear in the lab floor; where would the output appear such as mentioned in the query example? How can I add a water molecule to an interaction with another molecule?

Offline Jess Wellendorff

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2016, 09:27 »
That tutorial is rather old, much of the instructions are probably outdated by now. I have attached a script that uses the posted xyz coordinates to construct the H2O configuration, and then perfoms a geometry optimization using DFT-LDA. Relaxes the H2O molecule in 6 BFGS steps (takes only a minute or so to run). Hope this helps you.

Offline Sunnyvale

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2016, 12:50 »
Thanks a lot, Jess. So now I have water and calcite 104 in my Builder stash. How would I now run the MD of water close to a calcite surface? Do I choose Interface?

Offline Jess Wellendorff

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #8 on: June 1, 2016, 09:01 »
I think you first need to create the calcite slab surface (using Builders --> Cleave) and then drag a number of your water molecules onto the created slab in order to add water molecules to the system. We have a number of tutorials on MD:

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #9 on: June 1, 2016, 09:21 »
Thanks,  I am trying to follow steps similar to
However, I don't want the water to actually bond to the calcite surface but just to be close. How can I prevent the geometry optimization from bonding them?

Offline Jess Wellendorff

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #10 on: June 2, 2016, 08:33 »
You could try to use a "Fixed" constraint for some of the water molecules during the Geometry Optimization.

Offline Sunnyvale

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #11 on: June 2, 2016, 19:04 »
Thanks, I tried first rigid water with fixed calcite, and then I tried fixed water with fixed calcite. After running OptimizeGeometry, both ways are giving me the same thing in the Viewer--- which is that the program hasn't moved the water or calcite at all. It looks the same as when I dropped the water into the calcite window in the Builder. What could be wrong? Thanks

Offline Jess Wellendorff

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Re: Liquids
« Reply #12 on: June 3, 2016, 10:32 »
We will need to see the scripts you are running. Please attach them to this post.