I have calculated the transfer characteristics for a GNR TFET device considering the electron-phonon interaction using the STD method at different temperatures, as shown in the left image of the attached file.
I also calculated the transfer characteristics for its corresponding pristine configuration ( no e-ph interaction) at different temperatures, as shown in the right image of the attached file.
In the pristine I_V curves, the current minimum point at all temperatures are all aligned at about 1.2 V.
However, in the STD I_V curves, there are not aligned: the Imin point shift to the left as temperature increases.
I was using the Slater-Koster method with the DFTB Hotbit basis to calculate for both the STD and pristine configurations.
I just wonder why the Imin points in the STD I_V curves do not align. Is this a physical phenomenon or is this something to do with the STD method?