Dear mlee,
Thank you very much for your response. I am going to investigate adsorption energy, binding energy, homo-lumo and charge transfer.
You mentioned two methods. Would you please elaborate on them?
You wrote "In the slab model, you can analyze the BandStructure, DensityOfStates, or MolecularEnergySpectrum related to homo and lumo energy." slab (the structure I sent you in my former message) is periodic from two sides, isnt it? is it possible to calculate HOMO-LUMO for a periodic structure in ATK?
You also wrote me "In the molecular model, cluster model is commonly used to analyze the homo-lumo energy or adsorption energy. You need to assume the cluster as a surface." May I ask you explain me how I can do it? I have no idea what you mean by cluster? How can I make it?
Generally, if I want to investigate the interactions of a molecule with the surface of a crystal in ATK for calculating some parameters like adsorption energy, binding energy, homo-lumo and charge transfer, how would you recommend me to set the structure? making a slab and putting the molecule above it was the only idea I could come up with. What is the best option in your opinion? The cluster? would you elaborate on it please?
Sorry for asking many questions? Thank you for your help.
Best regards,